Sunday, 9 December 2012


"An example of harmonious imagination and organised execution."
This is how one of the magnificent monuments in Orcha was described.
Not a bad philosophy for life;  and especially 'harmonious imagination' is a theme we will continue to meditate on.

We stayed with a family in a homestay, organised by the Friends of Orcha, providing income generation opportunities for families in a village called Ganj nearby . The families in the project were lent money to build a guest room attached to their own home, the money they get from visitors like us enables them to pay back the loan, and earn a fair income for their family. Anu and Mukesh and their  3 children, aged 11, 7 and 4 made us very welcome. We ate breakfast and dinner with them in their kitchen every day.  We would sit next to Anu on the floor made with cow-dung, and see her cook chapattis and delicious curries in the cow-dung fuelled clay fire.

Because of Diwali, their children had school holiday, so Sophia Benjamin and Helena were able to play with them every day. We celebrated Diwali with the family which involved fire works and sweets, singing and dancing. The air was filled with the noises of  home-made explosives.

In the day time we would wander around abandoned monuments, imagine the lives of princes and princesses from centuries ago. In the evenings we saw beautiful sunsets  with vultures and green parakeets circling the ruins.

It was a wonderful experience to stay with such a gracious family, and to be invited to observe and share in their day to day experience.

1 comment:

  1. Wauw wat een geweldige foto's, bijna overweldigend zoals jullie schrijven. Hoop dat alles goed is bij jullie? Peter weer helemaal de oude? Tot gauw, knuffels voor iedereen. Mariƫt en Robbin
